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Feedback from you

Talent Transformation course

Jllie Jovita

I am so thankful that our paths crossed. Jill is like the beacon of light for the ships in the sea – to spread the message of peace, love for one another, and also hope. Jill not only inspire women to do better, but you also empower them so that they could fish for live. Sometimes in life, we meet people who are meant to help better ourselves and guide us a long the way. Jill has taken extraordinary measures to make sure the women whom she met or meet with, would do something with their life positively. She is so selfless and caring. I’ve never met someone that cares so much for others. Jill is the wittiest person I’ve ever met, with the biggest heart.

Patricia Yeo

Personal Assistant at Private Banking Sector

Am very grateful and much appreciated for all that Jill has done for me especially her valuable advice. The course has exceeded my expectations as I’ve learned more about myself. Thank you, Jill!
